It is 7:15 am, Wendy and I had a good nights sleep and didn't venture down to the kitchen for a midnight cuppa!
The fever hadn't started last night, I think I was sat too close to the radiator!!
I had my third drip of Mistletoe which was tripled from Monday, 8 viles now, something should be happening soon. and was about to undertake my first self inflicted injection.
The fever hadn't started last night, I think I was sat too close to the radiator!!
Carole, another lady here is having the same treatment and has beaten me to fever pitch!
We had a fun gamble to see who would start first and she got there before me. Poor thing has been stuck in her room all day and not down for meals.
I had my third vodka shot (lime drink) This morning. I have to take charge of the syringe today and I am not looking forward to that. I only have to inject twice a week when I go home so, will have to learn to do it. This isn't something I am comfortable with but, as I tell lots of people, your never to old to learn. Hopefully, this will be a life saver and will be worth continuing.
I had art therapy today which was drawing a circle on a blackboard and pin poiting myself at the centre and E
urythmy which is movement and breathing Something like tia chi I think. It made me feel peaceful and free which I was suprised with as I didn't think it would do anything.
Wendy and I took a short walk around the grounds today as the sun was shining and it was such a beautiful day and the view is breathtaking. I took some pictures of the house and surroundings.
I had my third drip of Mistletoe which was tripled from Monday, 8 viles now, something should be happening soon. and was about to undertake my first self inflicted injection.
I did it!!!! the first jab was so nerve wracking but I did it with the help of the nurse who did one jab and I did the second. (I am such a coward) My temprature has risen this evening to 37.21 so I think I am in for a stormy night. I had a lovely foot massage which warmed my little tootsies up no end. Tomorrow will be interesting as I think it will be fever day.